Instruments and laboratory automation for particle and aerosol characterization including cascade impactors, powder flow analysis, spray analysis, dose content uniformity testers, inhaler testing software, etc.
MSP, a Division of TSI, partners with Copley Scientific to offer the most comprehensive line of inhaler testing equipment worldwide. As a leading supplier of turnkey APSD and DDU systems (including IVIVC equipment), we offer a full range of equipment from basic to automated. We also add additional value in consulting, training, mensuration/qualification, field service, and more. MSP is the original manufacturer of the industry-standard Next Generation Impactor (NGI), and we use our extensive experience in inhaled pharmaceutical testing equipment to help you find the system that suits your application.
Copley Scientific offers testing equipment for MDIs, DPIs, nebulizers, and nasal sprays, plus a full range of accessories. Products include delivered dose sampling apparatus, Andersen and Next Generation Impactors, critical flow controllers, pumps, flow meters and inhaler testing data analysis software (CITDAS). Copley Scientific also supplies novel systems for improving productivity and IVIVCs, including semi-automation, abbreviated impactors, breath simulators and the Alberta Idealized Throats. Calibration, maintenance, and impactor stage mensuration services are also available.

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