Contract research company Intertek announced that it has joined the International Pharmaceutical Aerosol Consortium on Regulation & Science (IPAC-RS) as an associate member, citing its long-term commitment to support for OINDP development. In the announcement Intertek pointed to its Centre of Excellence for the development of inhaled and nasal drugs, which includes facilities for inhaled biologics, and to its annual conference on inhaled and nasal biologics.
IPAC-RS Chair Mike Needham commented, “IPAC-RS has greatly benefitted from the contributions and commitment of its Associate Members and warmly welcomes Intertek as an Associate Member. We look forward to Intertek’s active engagement and collaboration in the consortium’s scientific and regulatory initiatives.”
Intertek Commercial Director Chris Vernall said, “IPAC-RS plays an essential role in building the OINDP community and contributing to the advancement of regulatory science for orally inhaled and nasal drug products. Joining IPAC-RS is a fantastic opportunity to share cross-industry understanding on a range of scientific and regulatory topics, and to contribute to the evolving area of inhaled biologics and DNA medicine development, with a common objective of better patient outcomes.”
Intertek Pharmaceutical Services Director, UK, and Switzerland, Ashleigh Wake, added, “As part of our commitment to giving customers the Intertek Science-based Total Quality Assurance advantage to strengthen their businesses, we are focused on progressing inhaled and nasal drug product innovation, as well as supporting the development of safer, and more effective medicines. We are delighted to be a part of IPAC-RS and look forward to collaborating with our fellow members in this important organization.”
Associate membership in IPAC-RS is available to CROs/CDMOs that provide services for OINDPs, to smaller OINDP manufacturers, and to device/device component companies. Other companies that have joined IPAC-RS as associate members over the past few years include RxPack, Nemera, Copley Scientific, and Proveris Scientific. CDMOs Lonza and Recipharm have both joined IPAC-RS as full members in 2022.
Read the Intertek press release.