Award winners
At the awards ceremony drinks reception on the evening of December 7, Brunella Grassiri was announced as the winner of the Pat Burnell Young Investigator Award. The best academic poster award went to Lara de Jong of the University of Groningen for her poster, “Therapeutic effect of an inhaled levodopa dry powder formulation on off episodes in patients with Parkinson’s disease.” The best industry poster award went to Gerard Masdeu of AstraZeneca for his poster titled, “Solid state degradation of proteins in complex drug product formulations.”
In Pitcairn’s opening remarks, he also noted that the Aerosol Society, which sponsors DDL, awarded £50,000 in DDL Career Development Grants to support 11 respiratory science projects conducted by young researchers in 2023.
Future events
DDL2024 will take place December 11-13, 2024 at the EICC.
The New Researcher Network also announced at DDL2023 that it will hold the first New Researcher Network Summer Event, co-sponsored by Viatris, September 11-13, 2024 in London. This event is open to 25 participants who will receive free registration, travel, food, and accommodation; participants will be selected on the basis of an application letter.
Exhibitors at DDL2023 included: