TFF Pharmaceuticals has published a paper on bioRxiv titled “Feasibility of Intranasal Delivery of Thin-film Freeze-dried Monoclonal Antibodies” describing characterization and deposition studies of TFF’s dry powder AUG-3387 mAbs delivered by Aptar Pharma‘s Unidose (UDS) powder nasal spray system. In 2021, TFF partnered with Augmenta Bioworks on development of dry powder mAbs against COVID-19, and the company had said that it intended AUG-3387 for inhaled delivery.
In November 2022, TFF announced that it would develop dry powder intranasal vaccines delivered by the UDS system in collaboration with Aptar. TFF has previously announced several projects for development of dry powder nasal vaccines, including deals with the US Army for development of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 and alphaviruses and filoviruses.
TFF Pharmaceuticals CEO Harlan Weisman commented, “We are pleased with the results of this research, which provide further evidence that thin film freezing can be applied across a board range of antibody-based drug candidates for intranasal delivery. While TFF Pharmaceuticals continues to focus on advancing its two lead clinical programs, TFF VORI and TFF TAC, there remains strong interest across a diverse group of academic, industry and government entities to assess intranasal drug delivery given its potential advantages of providing a less invasive, more targeted approach of delivering drugs.”
Aptar Pharma VP of Scientific Affairs Julie Suman said, “As a non-invasive delivery system, intranasal drug formulations hold many potential advantages over traditional, systemic-based delivery, including the potential for fast onset of action and reduced drug-related toxicities based on a more targeted approach. The publication of this research demonstrates the broad utility of our Unidose technology to effectively deliver biologic-based therapeutics to the posterior of the nasal cavity.”
Read the TFF Pharmaceuticals press release.