OINDP testing specialists Copley Scientific have launched new versions of their Vertus automated shake and fire system for testing of MDIs and nasal sprays. According to Copley, the Vertus III+ is “comprehensively updated to meet testing requirements for an even wider range of device types,” and the DecaVertus III “is a complementary, high throughput solution for firing-to-waste, with the capacity to simultaneously discharge 10 devices under identical conditions to those applied by the Vertus III+.”
Among the upgrades to the shake and fire systems are a new integrated priming and waste module, more interchangeable test plates, and modifications to allow the systems to be used with flammable propellants such as HFA 152a. Copley also notes that the Vertex III+ includes integrated shot weight measurement and says that the new models have greater shaking angle and firing force ranges than the earlier models.
Copley has launched a number of new products this year, including its Patient Exhalation Simulator (PES) for use in dry powder inhaler development; the FRS bi-directional flow sensor; a new DUSA Shaker; and the Impactor Genie IG 200i.
Read the Copley Scientific press release.