According to CounterAct, the Canadian Intellectual Property Office has issued a patent (3065307, “Prescription bottle cap capable of administering opioid overdose reversal agent”) covering the company’s naloxone nasal spray cap. CounterAct co-founder Todd Pizitz commented, “We are pleased to continue to add to our intellectual property protection with the addition of this Canadian patent.”
CounterAct says, “The Canadian patent is our second patent issued for our nasal delivery device. In March of 2021, our US patent was issued, and we are waiting for other patents to be examined and issued. With the opioid overdose epidemic continuing to persist without any changes, CounterAct’s vision is that this technology will help reduce the US daily death toll of 255.”
The CounterAct device is integrated into a cap that fits onto a prescription bottle containing opioids so that intranasal naloxone is immediately available in the event of an overdose. In October 2018, CounterAct said that it had agreed FDA on human factors studies of the device as well as a bioavailability study. The company says that it expects to conduct formative human factors studies later this month.