DPI developer PureIMS has announced the appointment of Jaap Wieling as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), succeeding Bram Van Dijck. According to his LinkedIn page, Wieling founded or co-founded several biopharm companies, including Bioralix, BiosanaPharma, and Antaeus Biopharma, over the past few years. He spent much of his career at Xendo, which he also co-founded.
In July 2021, PureIMS announced a partnership with Sever Pharma Solutions and Radboud University Medical Center for development of a tigecycline DPI for the treatment of multi-drug resistant Mycobacterium abscessus lung infections. The company’s pipeline includes a number of dry powder formulations delivered by the Cyclops pre-filled, disposable inhaler, including levodopa, amikacin, colistin, epinephrine, and tobramycin.
PureIMS said, “Dr. Wieling’s appointment to the PureIMS leadership team strengthens the company’s objective to advance the development of its clinical-stage lead program Levodopa Cyclops and highlights the aspirations to broadly exploit the business objectives with the Cyclops technology platform.”
Wieling commented, “I am very pleased to serve this company as CEO in the next stage of its development. I see a bright future for PureIMS’ technology that has already shown huge advantages over existing (pulmonary) delivery technologies with its in-house and partnering product pipeline, and also see many openings for new co-development, with partnering companies, for new delivery products with marketed compounds as well as NCE’s and NBE’s.”
Read the PureIMS press release.