Generic inhalation device developer Merxin has announced a three-year partnership with the University of Hertfordshire to further research on “the generation of fine mist and particle aerosols from formulations for deep lung delivery.” Merxin will sponsor doctoral work by UH PhD student Aurélien Martin under the supervision of Professor Darragh Murnane that will support development of Merxin’s MRX004 soft mist inhaler.
According to Merxin, Martin has previous experience as a Senior Research Assistant at UH in dry powder inhaler research, and his doctoral project will involve both SMIs and DPIs and will address the question, “How can formulations with high viscosity or low aqueous solubility be aerosolized for efficient deep lung delivery of therapies?”
The Merxin announcement concludes saying, “We wish Aurelien a lot of fun with the project and look forward to celebrating his PhD in 3 years time.”
Read the Merxin announcement.