Drug delivery device maker Nemera said that its Safe’n’Spray concept intranasal device has won the “Best Innovation In Drug Delivery Device” Award at Pharmapack. In addition to being a connected device that allows for usage monitoring and analysis, the Safe’n’Spray utilizes electronic fingerprint identification and locking to control dosing of potent drugs, with the goal of preventing overdoses and protecting children from accidental exposure.
The Safe’n’Spray electronic locking and fingerprint identification module is reusable; when the spray pump is empty, it can be removed and replaced. Manufacturing the electronic module separately also allows for manufacturing of the spray pump portion of the device on existing filling lines, the company said.
Nemera CEO Marc Hämel commented, “We are very proud to receive this prestigious award. According to the World Health Organization, overdose deaths contribute to between roughly a third and a half of all drug-related deaths, which are attributable in most cases to opioids. With Safe’n’Spray, we offer a solution to prevent any overdosing thanks to the different electronic features. This product is also user-friendly, child-resistant and sustainable, with a reusable electronic locking unit. Receiving the Pharmapack ‘Best Innovation in Drug Delivery Device’ Award is a great recognition for all our teams working every day to improve patients’ lives with innovative ideas.”
Over the past year, Nemera has emphasized its commitment to innovation, with the appointment of Dimitri Grasswill as VP of Innovation in January 2019 and the acquisition of Insight Product Development in August 2019. The company’s Insight Innovation Center has offices in the US and France.
Read the Nemera press release.