In advertisements appearing in British nursing, pharmaceutical, and medical journals.the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA), the administrator of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry’s (ABPI) Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry, has called out AstraZeneca for misleading promotions of the Duaklir Genuair formoterol/aclidinium DPI.
Duaklir Genuair was approved for COPD in the EU in November 2014.
The PMCPA says that AstraZeneca is guilty of “Bringing discredit upon, and reducing confidence in, the pharmaceutical industry,” “Implying a use for a medicine which was inconsistent with its summary of product characteristics,” and “Being misleading as to the licensed indications of medicines,” in addition to “Failing to maintain high standards.”
According to the PMCPA Code of Practice Review for November 2016, an anonymous complainant reported that speakers at some meetings presented slides implying that Duaklir Genuair could be prescribed for the reduction of COPD exacerbations, when the product is approved only for the relief of symptoms.
Read the PMCPA press release.