California-based simulation and modeling software company Simulations Plus has announced that it will join the SimInhale COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action consortium, which aims to “advance particle designs for improved deposition and interaction with lung tissue, promote realistic computer simulations of particle aerosolization, delivery and deposition, promote patient-tailored inhaled medicines, promote integration of device and formulation design, and promote critical assessment of toxicity issues and related risks.”
According to the company, it was invited to join SimInhale, which is almost exclusively composed of European researchers and companies, due to the Pulmonary Compartmental Absorption and Transit (PCAT) Module in its GastroPlus physiologically based pharmacokinetics (PBPK) software program.
Simulations Plus VP for Marketing and Sales John DiBella commented, “Our acceptance into this prestigious group validates our expertise with aerosolization, and gives us the opportunity to work directly with the outstanding members of SimInhale for the advancement of simulation technology for inhaled medicines. We will participate as full members with access to data and expertise that will help us to improve our pulmonary model to better serve industry, regulatory agencies, and academia in this important area.”
Read the Simulations Plus press release.