All graduate students who present posters at the meeting will be eligible, whether they are included in the Posters on the Podium session or not. Winners will receive reimbursement of their registration and travel expenses for the meeting. After the presentation, attendees are invited to a “Breads, Spreads, and Wine” reception in the technology exhibit and poster area from 5-7 p.m., the first Monday night reception for the RDD meeting.
The poster and technology exhibits areas will be larger than in past years thanks to a recent expansion of the ballroom at the Westin Kierland. The poster session will include 90 posters, and the technology exhibition is expected to feature 90 table-top exhibits, including a number of first-time exhibitors.
Additional presentations will take place at two associated meetings. A meeting of the AAPS Inhalation and Nasal Technology Focus Group (INTFG) on Tuesday evening will feature a talk by Peter Mack and David Lechuga-Ballesteros of Pearl Therapeutics titled, “Evolution & Revolution of the Humble MDI: Alive and Propelling Medicines at 60.”
On Thursday, RDD will conclude with a joint IPAC-RS/RDD special forum titled, “Building, Maintaining & Measuring Quality During the Product Lifecycle: Current Thinking and New Opportunities.” The co-ordinated IPAC-RS symposium will begin later that afternoon and continue through the day on Friday, with sessions titled, “Building Quality During Development Through Improved Tools and Decision Making: Tools and Processes to Do it Better,” “Quality, A Global Perspective: Advances/Developments in the Global Regulatory Framework,” and “Quality Innovations to Improve the Patient Experience.”
Among the companies exhibiting at RDD are:
Astech Projects
Copley Scientific
Gateway Analytical
Intertek Melbourn
Livermore Instruments
Next Breath
Proveris Scientific
Team Consulting