As at past RDD meetings, the scientific program will begin on Monday morning with presentation of the Charles G. Thiel award, followed by the presentation of a plenary lecture. The plenary speaker for RDD 2016, Daniela Riccardi of the University of Cardiff, will present a talk titled, “Inhaled Calcilytics: Effects on Airway Inflammation and Remodeling.”
Dalby says that the program reflects what he sees as “a continuing interest in generics, new product opportunities, and all matters quality and FDA-related.” Podium sessions for the meeting include:
- Frontiers in New Drug and Product Development
- Aerosol Drug Disposition
- MDI and DPI Theory and Practice
- Dealing with the Variability of Pulmonary Drug Deposition
- Engineering and Controlling Surface Properties
- Evaluating Nasal Corticosteroid Spray Characteristics
The new Platinum Sponsor Seminar Session will take place from 8 – 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday morning; attendees may choose to attend 2 of the 4 30-minute workshops presented by platinum sponsors 3M DDS, Aptar Pharma, Astra Zeneca/Pearl Therapeutics, and Catalent.
One of Dalby’s favorite sessions, Posters on the Podium takes place on the afternoon of the first day. “We only give presenters in that session 10 minutes and that includes time to answer questions,” he says, “so they just get right into it, tell you something interesting that you probably didn’t know and you’re on to the next interesting thing. And more than half of the presenters are graduate students, so it’s often science that you haven’t heard before from a presenter you haven’t heard before.”
“It’s really important that we bring in new dynamic people to the field and this is the first look at some of those new investigators,” Dalby adds, noting that this year, the Posters on the Podium session will be followed by the presentation of a new award, the VCU RDD Peter R. Byron Graduate Student Award, to the graduate student who presents the highest quality research at the meeting. The award is presented in honor of Peter Byron, who earlier this year retired from his regular faculty position at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and now holds the position of Professor Emeritus and Director of Respiratory Drug Delivery Conferences.