2014 Pat Burnell New Investigator Award winner Abhinav Kumar of King’s College London will collaborate with Inhalation Sciences AB onsite in Stockholm, Sweden, the company has announced. The joint research project will explore the use of KCL’s simulated lung fluid for in vitro dissolution testing. The KCL team has already been using ISAB’s DissolvIt module with the company’s PreciseInhale system to model dissolution in the lung epithelium.
Kumar explained, “Simulated extracellular lung fluids bring the importance of biorelevant models to the analysis of inhaled materials. Human beings are being increasingly exposed to engineered particles and the number of inhaled drug formulations coming onto the market is rising. Better methods for testing how inhaled drugs and particles interact with the respiratory tract lining fluid could contribute significantly to understanding the solubility and dissolution of new inhaled drugs. Our team at KCL has developed a simulant model of human lung lining fluid, and with ISAB’s expertise in in vitro dissolution testing we hope to generate exemplary dataset, and ultimately attract funding to take the model forward.”
Kumar’s supervisor at KCL, Ben Forbes, commented, “For King’s and ISAB this is a win-win arrangement: ISAB have bespoke dissolution technology, with their engineered kit, and King’s have the data on human lung fluid. I’d describe ISAB’s in vitro dissolution capabilities as excellent, in fact, leading.”
ISAB CEO Fredrik Sjövall added, “This really shows the power of a truly multidisciplinary approach, and the growing recognition of the importance of in vitro dissolution testing. We’re delighted to partner with KCL who have so consistently pioneered and led the way in such vital research. And we’re greatly looking forward to the skills, expertise and commitment that Abhinav will bring with him as part of the ISAB lab team.”
Read the Inhalation Sciences AB press release.