The Australian Research Council (ARC) has awarded a 3-year, $482,738 linkage grant titled “One for all and all for one- Engineering a drug delivery platform for DNA vaccines to the lung” to members of the Respiratory Technology team at the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research (WIMR) and Evonik Industries. The partnership aims to develop a new, low-cost technology for inhaled delivery of DNA-based vaccines.
The grant was awarded to Daniela Traini and Paul Young, who head the Respiratory Technology Group at WIMR, and Norbert Windhab of Evonik.
According to the group, “High efficiency dry powder particles that contain a novel synthetic cell penetration enhancer and incorporate the drug delivery vehicle in a disposable inhalation device will be engineered. The project aims to help develop a fundamental understanding of the properties that govern interactions in these systems, and a number of in vitro tools that can be used by the wider scientific community. Ultimately, a single platform that can be used for the vaccination of any disease will be created.”
Read the Respiratory Technology Group announcement.