Bioequivalence will also be the topic of a scientific presentation held during a satellite meeting of the AAPS Inhalation and Nasal Technology Focus Group (INTFG) on Wednesday, May 22 from 7-8 p.m. The INTFG will hold a short business meeting followed by a talk from Guenther Hochhaus of the University of Florida titled, “Pulmonary Bioequivalence- Is There Any News?”

The technology exhibition will feature 50-60 companies
Other popular sessions, says Dalby, include Posters on the Podium and the Wednesday afternoon workshops. For Posters on the Podium, five poster authors will be selected to present brief discussions of their work and answer questions. This year’s posters cover a wide variety of topics related to both pulmonary and intranasal products, Dalby notes, ranging from from feasibility of devices to formulation issues to imaging systems — something to interest everyone.
During the Wednesday afternoon session, each meeting participant may opt to attend up to three of twelve workshops offered, allowing them to focus on topics of particular relevance to themselves. Several new companies will be conducting workshops at RDD Europe 2013. According to Carlotti, the organizers considered delegate feedback from the previous meeting when evaluating workshop proposals, and they deliberately looked to add new topics or new angles on topics from previous years so that returning delegates will have plenty of options.
Due to popular demand, the poster and technology exhibits will be extend through Friday morning in order to allow attendees more opportunities to view and discuss as much as possible. With approximately 50-60 posters and the same number of commercial exhibitors, Carlotti notes, it can be difficult to see everything, especially since delegates often become involved in impromptu meetings during exhibit session times.
Other networking opportunities at RDD Europe include a welcome cocktail reception on the evening of May 21, lunch and coffee breaks throughout the meeting, and a gala dinner Thursday, May 23. Carlotti promises a new, exciting venue for the event. “We think everyone will be very positively surprised,” he says, revealing only that dinner will take place indoors under a large tent.
Registration is currently open at Onsite registration will be allowed only if any space remains at the beginning of the meeting; the organizers say that in the past they have had to turn away people on occasion and therefore suggest registering early to ensure admission.