Poster session at ISAM 2011
The program also includes two plenary speakers: Richard Boucher, Kenan Professor of Medicine and Director of the Cystic Fibrosis Center at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, will speak on “Translating the Emerging Knowledge of Mucus Biology and Biophysics into Clinical Benefit” and Dan Costa, National Program Director for Air, Climate, and Energy at the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Research & Development, will give a talk titled, “PM Health Update: Where We Are and Where We Go from Here.”
Poster and industrial sessions will take place concurrently with lunch and coffee breaks, and networking sessions will also include time for poster discussions. ISAM members can participate in 5 networking groups: “Pediatrics and Cystic Fibrosis,” “Regulatory and Standardization Issues,” “New Devices and Emerging Therapies,” “Environmental/Occupational Health/Toxicology” and “Imaging, Modeling, and Physiology of Aerosols in the Lung.” Each of the networking groups will meet during the congress.
“What makes ISAM such a good meeting,” says Bennett, “is that it’s not too big, and people have a lot of chances to interact.” In addition to networking opportunities during the congress sessions, there will be an opening reception on the evening of April 6, transportation to Durham, NC on the evening of April 8 for sightseeing, and a gala dinner on April 9 at Fearrington Barn featuring Southern cooking and a bluegrass band.
Early bird registration is open until February 15. After February 15, registration increases by $150 for ISAM members and $200 for non-members. There is no late fee for student registration. In fact, students can attend the entire congress for as little as $300. The organizers try to keep student fees low enough, Bennett explains, to allow mentors to bring as many students as possible.
Bennett also points out that the cost of ISAM membership plus the member rate for the congress is less than the cost of non-member registration. In addition to reduced registration fees, ISAM members also have access to the society’s publication, the Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery.