Aptar Pharma is presenting results from a clinical study of patient ability to use its Prohaler DPI at RDD this week. The study, which was conducted by Professor Patrice Diot at the Centre Hospitalier Regional Universitaire (CHRU) in Tours, France, demonstrated that all of the asthma and COPD patients involved in the study, no matter how ill, were able to trigger the device and to generate sufficient inhalation for delivery of the medication to the lungs. Surveys of patients and doctors indicated that both groups were happy with the ergonomic characteristics of the device.
The breath-activated Prohaler device requires three operations by the patient: opening the device, inhaling, and closing the device. A full dose of medication is released during inhalation, which triggers opening of an individual blister. The DPI also has visual and audio feed-back to aid the patient in use of the device.
Aptar Pharma Prescription Division Director Scientific Affairs Geralt Williams commented, “At Aptar Pharma, we are extremely pleased to unveil the results of this new hospital-based patient-focused study with Prohaler. This device is designed to meet the needs of patients with regard to safety and comfort as well as to satisfy medical professionals’ recommendations, pharmaceutical industry expectations and the requirements of regulatory bodies.”