The second day of DDL 21 offered a wide variety of presentations, a focus on young investigators and the presentation of several awards, in addition to a continuation of the exhibition. By Day 2, most of the vendors exhbiting had received their displays after experiencing delayed deliveries due to snow, but several had to continue to set up at bare tables.
Paper presentations covered topics ranging from a ventilator aerosol delivery system to the use of singing as therapy for COPD patients. The majority of the papers focused on dry powder characterization and development issues, with only two presentations on issues related to MDIs and only one on nasal delivery.
Mark Sanders, who curates the Inhalatorium, followed up his DDL 20 presentation on the history of dry powder inhalers with a paper titled, "French Kisses and Steamy Salons," a history of nebulizers.
The DDL committee selected six finalists for the Pat Burnell New Investigator Award out of twenty-five applicants to present their research on the podium. The finalists included Hanne Kinnunen, University of Bath; Sean Cheng, Cambridge; Eva Littringer, Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering, Austria; Regina Scherliess, Christian Albrechts University; William Wong, University of Sydney; and Hitesh Raghvani, University of London.
Job prospects were the subject of some extemporaneous comments from the podium, as pleas for employment were issued by and on behalf of several young researchers, and one speaker announced a request for job applicants.
At the evening champagne reception, Jolyon Mitchell announced that the academic poster award went to Jasminder Chana of King’s College London for her poster, "Dynamic Release from Lipid Nanoparticles for Controlled Drug Delivery to the Airways," and the industry poster award went to Deborah Huck of Malvern Instruments for her poster titled, "Characterizing a Nasal Spray Formulation from Droplet to API Particle Size." Both awards include a prize of £250.
Conference chair Georgina Fradley then announced the winner of the Pat Burnell New Investigator Award: Regina Scherliess for her poster and presentation titled "Comparison of In Vitro Methods to Determine Nasal Versus Lung Deposition of a Protein Formulation." She will receive a certificate and £500.